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Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Welcome to Platform X (written as of v.2.1's release). This game allows you to test your platforming skills in an adventure with your character, either alone or with a friend, where you must make it to the end. Also, there are some new 'Experiences', which allow you to recreate scenes from previous games, such as Super Mario Bros.


Platform X v.3.0.0 will be released this Tuesday since most of the glitches holding it back are gone.


I regret to inform you that the update has been delayed due to glitches. It will be released by the end of the week. I am in the process of uploading the rest of the game's soundtrack to the download page, including new music from v.3.0.0 however.

(2) All that this screen does is clear the old save file which fixes any bugs. This will remove your old costume.

(1) Hey everyone! Platform X v.3.0.0 is coming closer by the day and small refinements are being made. The unlock system has caused multiple scripts to break during development, so to fix the issues I have added this screen which only appears once.

Platform X - v.3.0.0 will feature unlockable modes. These include Hard Mode, Experiences and the new Roller Mode. These modes are all very easy to unlock.

Hey everyone! Version 3.0.0 is upon us for Platform X. This version includes a lot in comparison to v.2.0.0. Why? Well, let this image sum it all up for you. (Yes I know it's a mess, but still.) There's an Android version too, more information very soon.

Coming Soon to Platform X:

Hey all! Sorry for the lack of info on upcoming updates recently, however there is a large update landing early this spring. Here is a comparison between v.1.0 and v.3.0's sprite. I have refined it even more since v.2.1 was released which made it crisper.

Hey all! Work is going smoothly on the next project, and I hope you are enjoying PFX v.2.1. I am releasing v.2.2 which is simply a bugfix due to some small bugs being found in v.2.1.

*At this time, a patch for v.2.1 is being released for PFX. This simply fixes the date issues in the News and Changelog.*